
There are several ways to volunteer -
Reach out to learn more and find what’s best for you!

Share Your Gift 

Provide a talk or training to benefit my community and their needs -
Share your ideas!

Host a workshop 

Have a booth at one (or more) of our events

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Are you interested in being a part of the team?
There are several ways you can                       

get involved!

From simply sharing our posts to working with clients, there is something for you! 

Become A


There are so many different ways that you can Become a Sponsor

Sponsor a Client Directly 

Help someone receive the services they need!

Send someone who otherwise couldn’t attend to Ruthless in the Rockies.

Prefer the book itself?
Sponsor Faces of Grief - For Addiction and Overdose or Faces of Grief - For Pet Loss - both launching in 2025. 

Promote your business on the Griefhab 2025 Awareness Calendar or the Faces of Grief Audiobook! 

Create your own Commercial for Faces of Grief: The Audiobook!

Advertise on
The Be Ruthless Show

Sponsor an Event 
Digital Promotion 
Print Promotion 
Virtual Advertising 
Banners Behind Speakers

Donate to our Gift Bags 

And so much more.

You can even present your own to idea to Sam. 

Reach Out Now!

Be Part of the Change!

Contribute to the next Faces of Grief Book by becoming a sponsor

Learn about Sponsorship Opportunities

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