Let's Talk

Mastermind Groups

with Sam Ruth

Advocate for Unpuzzling Life’s Challenges

Turn your PAIN into your POWER

Struggling with mental health does not mean having to settle for less.

The Unfortunate Truth:

Every person competing for the same job, career and relationships have to compete on the same playing field. Unfortunately, this playing field does not have considerations for people struggling with life challenges. Overcoming mental or emotional setbacks while also trying to prepare for a job interview, land a promotion, or even develop meaningful relationships with others means more of a burden on you. But this does not mean you, or your loved ones, are at a disadvantage

YOU are in control of your outcomes. With the right tools, your struggles can become your strength.

Your strengths define the





That you are capable of achieving.

I help those struggling with mental wellness to overcome their unique challenges and thrive in the life they want to create. A person is not defined by a single diagnosis, and mental wellness is essential for all beings to thrive.

Are you ready to take the first step towards creating the life of your wildest dreams? Does it hurt you to watch a loved one struggle to achieve everything you know they are capable of?

Schedule your FREE consultation call and see if my program is right for you.

Do you know what you want, but don’t know how to get there?

Do you feel judged, criticized or isolated from those around you? 

Do you feel that you’re different from others, and what seems to be “enough” for others just isn’t for you?

I help people with real life issues overcome their unique challenges, and thrive in the life they want go create.

You are in the right place if…

You are struggling with mental health and you are unwilling to settle for less. 

You are the parent of a child struggling with mental health & want them to achieve the success they deserve.

You or a loved one has big dreams and goals that you must achieve and struggles with mental wellness have gotten in the way

Why do I need help? Shouldn’t I be able to do what everyone else seems to do on their own?

Our society thinks of mental health in a completely backwards way.

We schedule regular health checkups and exams at the doctors, and regular dental cleanings for our teeth. We even schedule an oil change for our car and replace worn tires every so often to keep the car running smoothly. Why don’t we do this with our mental health?

Imagine if we treated our mental challenges or trauma the same way we treated our physical illness?

What would happen if we treated our mental and emotional health as well as we treated our physical health or career goals?

You have survived everything that’s happened to you your whole life. Your struggles are unique. Your experiences make you who are – but they don’t have to limit you. Your pain does not define who you are – and with the right tools, your struggles can become the power that makes you capable of everything you want to achieve in life.

Nothing has worked for me so far… how is this any different?

If you only knew how powerful your thoughts and actions are…

You are only limited by what you believe is possible. If a 30 minute consultation call could show you what is truly possible… isn’t that worth picking up the phone? Change begins with the desire to do so, and taking action in that direction. So click the link below and take action right now. 

If not now? When? Don’t wait another day.

I deliver results by combining my extensive experience and knowledge in…

The Success Principles

To help gain clarity of purpose using tried and true tools for success used by some of the most successful people in the world to help you truly get from where you are right now to where you want to be.


To understand the unique challenges each person is facing and…

RIM Essentials

To personalize the path to growth and healing for each individual

I delivers results.

“I hated therapy until I met Samantha online. Now I look forward to it, thank you for being so awesome”

– Sally T.

“Why do I love online therapy with Samantha Ruth? Because I can talk to her way more than once a week if needed and because I can say anything without feeling judged. Also, because I can wear my Pjs to my appointments.” 

– Jennifer G. 

“You know how you can go to the Drs and you have to remind them of your stuff? It’s not like that with Sam. She really cares and she listens. She remembers the details. I know she is my therapist, but she doesn’t make me feel like a patient. Ever.”

– Rob H.



Top Transformational Psychologists of 2019 by IAOTP

Woman of the Month for May 2019, from POWER

Permanent feature on the POWER homepage, honored for a life-time achievement

I pride myself on being unlike anyone else. I pride myself on the fact that most clients keep in touch with me, far after the time our services end. I think that’s the biggest gift and honor, that they choose to share their journey with me.


It’s time to take back control of your life and success, even if you’ve been stuck from loss, grief, or anxiety.

If grief, anxiety, depression, or lack of self-esteem have interrupted your life you are IN THE RIGHT PLACE. Are you ready to move forward?

This is not a journey meant to be taken alone. That is why I have created a Mastermind group designed to keep you on track, focused and confident while you work towards your goals.

You are in the right place if…

  • You experience anxiety or depression
  • You feel stressed and overwhelmed
  • You are stuck or lost
  • You feel alone and unsupported

But you want….

  • A calm, stable and reliable mood
  • Peace and joy in daily life
  • To confidently and comfortably participate in your relationships, job and daily life
  • To achieve your goals, and not let mental health stop you

Let’s schedule a time to chat and explore to see if this is the right program fit for you. 

Commitment: 1 Year-long Mastermind group, starting January 2020

  • Private retreat in Colorado
  • Biweekly 90 minute zoom calls 
  • Intimate setting of 6-8 people per group
  • One-on-one strategy call with Samantha
  • Accountability Partner to keep you on course
  • Suggested reading to propel your success forward
  • Monthly accountability

Why a Mastermind Group?

Can you see success in front of you, but not the road to get there? When you get in the car – do you randomly drive and hope you reach your destination? Or do you program your destination into your GPS?

A mastermind group acts as your continuous GPS system, keeping you on track and fast tracking you to the life you’re dreaming of. 

What is a Mastermind Group?

A Mastermind is a group of people who come together on a regular basis to share their knowledge, skills, perspectives, resources and network in order to achieve incredible results that no one person could achieve alone. Napoleon Hill first talked about mastermind groups in his classic book Think and Grow Rich. And it’s the one concept people most reference when they credit any one thing with helping them become successful – it’s one of the most powerful tools ever used to find lasting success.

My Mastermind groups are specifically assembled to provide support, guidance and act as a resource for you to tap into. In a mastermind group, more is achieved in less time when those with similar goals work together. By leaning on the perspective, knowledge, experience, and resources of the others in the group, we are able to go further faster, and achieve results impossible for just one person to create on their own.

How do I apply?