How do you define happiness? What does joy mean in your life? Today, in honor of Hunt for Happiness Week, let’s talk about finding personal happiness in our everyday lives. Not the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow happiness. The real life, in the middle of real ups and downs, happiness.  Do […]

Emotional Health, Inspiration, Mental Health, Mindset

January 25, 2024

5 Simple Ways to Find Happiness in Everyday Life

Someone reached out to me recently through my website, and of course I responded. The reply I received took me back to when I first lost Jim: “I don’t know what I need….” I so vividly remember that feeling. I remember people wanting to help – truly wanting to help and asking me what I […]

Blog, Emotional Health, Grieving, Mental Health, Mindset

August 11, 2022

Why WE need YOU: Showing Up for people dealing with loss

Adopt the anti-hustle Are you constantly hustling and pushing only to burn out and crash before getting back up and repeating the cycle?  We live in this fast-paced go, go, go world where we have normalized and even glamorized, pushing through exhaustion and overwhelm. . As a result, people are unaware that taking healthy, planned […]

Emotional Health, Ideas, Mental Health, Mindset, Stress, Support, The Be Ruthless Show, Uncategorized

September 23, 2021

How To Adopt The Anti-Hustle Into Your Life Today

Adopt the Anti-Hustle

Clean. It might sound silly, but focusing on minute details with a clear objective in mind (a clean stove) does wonders for our brain.  Call someone (who relieves stress/not someone who adds to stress), and let them do the talking. You can even say “distract me.” (I think it’s helpful to tell a few people […]


July 1, 2020

Addiction: Five ways to cope by distracting the mind from cravings/urge