Even though we can’t always see it, mental illness is all around us. The father of three amazing, successful adult kids may contemplate taking his life, for example, and the woman you work with who just got a promotion may compulsively make herself vomit after every meal. It’s not always obvious, but it is often all-consuming.
Our culture requires us to wear masks of happiness and success, even when we don’t feel the least bit happy or successful. Nevertheless, we muster up the courage to put on these masks day after day, afraid of the consequences we might face if we fail to wear them properly. As a result, many people simply do not realize how prevalent mental health issues are in our society.
As a mental health counselor, I find it tragic how little awareness and compassion there is for people struggling with mental illnesses. In honor of Halloween, I thought I’d take this opportunity to share with you something I find truly scary: some eye-opening facts about mental health issues in America and around the world.
Eye-Opening Facts About Mental Health
* Source: World Health Organization
** Source: DoSomething.org
*** Source: BuzzFeed
The Scary Truth About Mental Illness
Tragically, we live in a world where only a small percentage of people with mental illnesses get the support they need. Most people who do receive treatment enjoy fewer symptoms and better quality of life, but unfortunately, the stigma and discrimination affected individuals face often dissuades them from seeking the help or treatment they need. Without this support, their illnesses and disorders simply become stronger and more debilitating.
Lack of resources is another common reason why people do not get the treatment they need. In America, countless individuals go without psychotherapy because they feel they cannot afford counseling. In underdeveloped countries (or even rural areas here in the States), people may go without support because they simply don’t have access to the kind of care they need.
Help Me End The Stigma!
In honor of all the men, women, and children who battle with a mental illness, I implore you to help end the stigma so that affected individuals have the courage and resources to seek the assistance they need. I am proud to offer online-only counseling sessions so my clients can remain in the comfort and safety of their own homes while visiting with me. Virtual therapy sessions are also great options for individuals living in rural areas, or anyone else who may not have access to quality counseling in their area. Through my involvement with Better Help, I am qualified to provide counseling throughout the entire United States.
For more information about online psychotherapy options, visit my website at www.NeverGiveUp.care. I would be honored to help you on your journey!
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