Let’s talk about laughter!
Laughter really is the best medicine, and here’s why you should find what makes you laugh and incorporate it into your daily routine …
Research shows that if you sit and laugh for a long time, you will stimulate endorphins, which minimizes or ultimately gets rid of pain because the brain is in an active mode, aka a healing mode.
Do you underestimate the power of laughter?
Do you realize the healing effect it has on all aspects of the body?
Two simple ways you can action today:
And if you’re in a place where laughter seems out of reach, I invite you to look into laughter yoga. It helped me when I thought I’d never laugh again.
Laughter is one of seven powerful tips Kimberly Baca shares in the latest episode of “The Be Ruthless Show” to help you nourish your brain and body for optimal brain function.
“And so some things that people really need to know is your brain doesn’t function if you’re in a negative state of emotion. The brain needs nutrients, the brain needs oxygen, and the brain needs healthy emotions to be able to propel it forward to be productive in thinking.”
If you are feeling stuck, exhausted, overwhelmed, depressed, or just not sure what to do, you are going to love this episode!
Kimberly Baca is a Holistic Health Strategist, helping high-performing women who want it all to finally reclaim time and freedom through an integrated and sustainable healthy lifestyle, equipping them to fuel legacy success.
She’s an award-winning burned-out fashion designer, turned Holistic Health Strategist, a Best-Selling Author, Host of 365 Health Podcast, and CEO of Legacy Holistic Health, a sustainable progressive approach to whole health. She focuses on giving her talent, expertise, and personal experience with debilitating autoimmune illness to support women in taking back control of their health and life so that they model true success in every area of their life and avoid burnout!
A leader in the rejuvenation health industry for over 20 years. Trained in human behavior, productivity, and results by founders of personal development. By being trained, interviewed, and uncovering modalities shared with her by the most successful healing masters in the world, combined with personal experience and education as a specialist in autoimmune challenges, Kimberly teaches these unique success strategies exclusively to those seeking true, lasting health. Her company helps create a specific plan where they identify your health roadblocks and create a targeted, actionable, and easy way to make those changes according to your lifestyle, synergizing a holistic strategy that is easy to sustain. She helps make hard things for your health easy.
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For many of us, quarantining at home during COVID-19 has forced us to finally stop long enough to face those issues that we have been avoiding…
Being forced to stay home with no distractions allows people who are always on the go – I’m looking at you type-A personalities! – to look around, assess their life, get in touch with who they are, and ask the important questions, “Ok, what have I learned? And how do I incorporate this into my life?”
Maybe this quiet time has helped you realize that the blueprint you are following in your life doesn’t align with your core values. For example, perhaps you work in the corporate world, but you really want to slow down and open a cafe.
Understanding your core beliefs and learning your boundaries are essential steps towards accepting and loving yourself. When was the last time you stayed home on a Saturday to have a self-care night and recharge instead of going to another event?
Whenever you are feeling anxious or depressed, come back to your core beliefs…if your current life isn’t aligned with your core values, it might be time to make a change.
If you want to learn how self-acceptance, self-love, and setting boundaries can improve your experience with anxiety, you are going to love my interview with Raina Sweeney!
“A lot of people who are anxious and have anxiety are also very highly sensitive people. And we need those kinds of people in our world. Those are the people who notice danger before somebody else does. Those are the highly creative people, those people who come up with ideas and businesses and inventions that save people’s lives because they are highly sensitive.
Listen to episode 21 with Raina Sweeney now.
Coaching people into their ideal lives since 2007.
iPEC Certified Coach and Energy Leadership Master Practitioner.
Raina’s life’s purpose is to raise the world’s consciousness one person at a time by empowering people to dig deeply, honestly, and objectively into their energy and unconscious thought patterns to assess who they are and who they want to become.
She specializes in helping people struggling with confidence find their voice and own their power. Through shifting core beliefs and incorporating self-love and acceptance together, we create a life they love.
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If you’re looking for a place to feel, share, vent, grow, learn, listen, heal, and be. Join the free Griefhab community here.
GRIEFHAB is the place to connect with a community that understands what you’re going through. You’re not alone. We’re here to support each other every step of the way.
Contact me through email or socials and mention Jimtember for a special discount on my services and products, in celebration of my late husband Jim.
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phone : +1 (248) 730-5544
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