I’ve worked tirelessly to maintain a positive outlook. To always find the silver lining. It’s Jim living on through me.
But I’m also human.
We are all faced with challenges, difficult moments, and impossible decisions.
It’s called LIFE.
It’s easy to get caught up in the roller coaster of life. It takes effort, a conscious effort, to stay grounded. And when that’s not possible, we can at least learn to enjoy the ride!
But how?
Sometimes it feels like life is literally giving you a beating. When it rains, it pours!
That’s when it’s even more important to stay positive. Not always easy, but so unbelievably worth it.
My sweet Sassy has been going through it— and the only reason I’m getting through it is because of the unconditional love and support we’re receiving from friends and family.
And there have absolutely been times I felt more alone. For those of you who don’t feel unconditionally loved and supported by important people in your life – it’s ok to reach out to others.
A professional, a group… anything other than trying to get through it yourself. Don’t make life harder than it already is!
It takes a whole lot of courage to reach out to others and step out of your comfort zone, but you know, sometimes you’ll be surprised at how much help you can receive from people you let in!
It’s easy to be grateful when life is going well, but it’s necessary to intentionally practice gratitude when times are tough.
The universe listens – and what we focus on, grows! So intentionally practicing gratitude (when it’s difficult, nonetheless) can change our outcomes. It can bring more positivity into our lives at the times we need it most.
On a similar note, pay attention to how you’re speaking overall. We’re taught to speak kindly to others, but how are you speaking to yourself? About yourself?
I’m so stupid. I screwed up. I’m having a bad day. Remember – the universe listens!
How can you reframe what you say to yourself and how you say it? Working on this for you – and just you – can have so many other benefits. You’ll become more aware of how you speak to everyone and about everything.
If you know me, you know I swear by affirmations! Speaking what we want into existence. We still have to watch how we speak to ourselves, but adding affirmations to this practice will make a difference! Give it a try!
Some people literally roll their eyes when I talk about self care.
And you don’t have to wait until you have the time. You don’t need a full day to yourself. There are ways to add self-care into your everyday life.
For me – it’s always nature. It can be exercise. A massage. A quick 5-minute call with a friend. A walk.
Anything that is for you and makes you feel better – not worse!
Life’s challenges can be so overwhelming and staying positive can be so tough but with the right mindset – and just by being easy on yourself – you can endure even the hardest times.
The world has plenty of opinions and options. What works for me might not work for you.
You have to do things your way. Are you working where you want to be working? Do you have people in your life who aren’t lifting you up?
This is your life. We only get one. And we can get caught up in pleasing others or the day to day –
Don’t let others’ opinions imprison your spirit. Trust your instincts, follow your passion, and create a life that reflects who you truly are.
Your journey is unique and the most fulfilling success comes from being unapologetically yourself and living life YOUR WAY!
So please ask yourself: am I doing things MY way?
And remember, you can reach out anytime: sam@samantharuth.com
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