Suicide is one of our world’s most deadly and silent killers. It strikes when we least expect it, robbing us of the people we care about the most. In their absence, all that is left is the feeling that there should have been – there must have been – something we could have done to save […]

Grieving, Mental Health

September 6, 2016

10 Suicide Warning Signs

Keeping your feelings inside can be detrimental to your emotional well-being as well as your physical health. Keeping your emotional bottled up is neither good for yourself nor your relationships with other people. Many times when people keep their feelings inside too long, they will let them all out in a harmful way. As your […]

Mental Health

August 24, 2016

The Danger of Stuffing Your Emotions

Varying emotions and violent mood swings are a natural symptom of many psychological challenges. You may feel happy and calm one minute, only to be swept up in an overwhelming wave of anxiety or depression the next. Navigating these vastly different emotions can be challenging on a personal level, but it can also seriously impact […]

Emotional Health, Meditation, Mental Health, Mindset

August 1, 2016

5 Secrets For Balancing Your Emotions

What does your dog mean to you? If you’re like most dog-owners, your dog is probably an integral part of your family with her own distinct personality traits. Maybe she refuses to go outside in the rain, or perhaps she barks incessantly at the squirrels she watches from the window. You are probably intimately acquainted […]

Mental Health, Pets

July 6, 2016

7 Life Lessons I Learned From My Dog

For years, our culture has swept mental illness under the rug. People speak about it in hushed tones – if they speak about it all. Individuals who struggle with mental illness and their family members shamefully keep their secret, scared of the judgments they would face if word were to get out about their “condition.” […]

Mental Health

May 13, 2016

Breaking Down The Stigma: How YOU Can Help

When it comes to taking control of your life, there’s no time like the present. However, March 30th is a day specifically set aside for regaining control of your life and getting rid of the things that create stress. No matter where you are at in life or what struggles you may be facing, it […]

Mental Health, Mindset

March 30, 2016

5 Tips For Gaining Better Control Of Your Life

When many people think of therapy, they think of crazy people with severe mental instabilities or emotional imbalances. As a result, there is a social stigma surrounding mental health therapy all across the United States. I find this to be both incredibly unfortunate and drastically unnecessary, as the truth is that many “normal” and “sane” […]

Mental Health, Therapy

February 10, 2016

When Should You Consider Therapy? 12 Situations