Many people consider happiness a destination, not a journey. According to this mindset, happiness is something we achieve after lots of hard work, rather than something we experience as we work towards our goals. Unfortunately, this mindset often leads to a surprising outcome: after we have finally accomplished that which was supposed to make us […]


June 3, 2016

Can Happiness Cause Depression?

How would you describe the strength and quality of your marriage? Many couples who have been married for several years admit that their relationship is no longer as “exciting” or “romantic” as it once was. This does not necessarily mean they are contemplating divorce, but it does mean that there is probably room for improvement […]


May 23, 2016

Date Your Mate: Creative Date Ideas For You & Your Spouse

Have you ever had a day where you were inexplicably “down” or grumpy – a day where you didn’t want to do anything? If you’re like most people, your answer is probably “yes.” Now, let me ask you another question: have you ever had one of those days where even though didn’t want to do […]


May 20, 2016

7 Exercises To Help Boost Your Mood

For years, our culture has swept mental illness under the rug. People speak about it in hushed tones – if they speak about it all. Individuals who struggle with mental illness and their family members shamefully keep their secret, scared of the judgments they would face if word were to get out about their “condition.” […]

Mental Health

May 13, 2016

Breaking Down The Stigma: How YOU Can Help

Last week, we delved into the inner workings of romantic relationships and discussed five tips for strengthening those dynamics. With Mother’s Day less than a week away, I thought it fitting to continue the conversation about relationship dynamics by addressing one of the most complex relationships in existence – those between mothers and daughters. Mother-daughter […]


May 2, 2016

8 Strategies For Improving Your Mother-Daughter Relationship

Relationships are living, breathing, ever-changing dynamics. They need constant love, dedication, and attention in order to thrive. If your relationship is not one of your top priorities, it will suffer. In my practice as an online mental health therapist, I have spent a lot of time working with couples to improve their relationship’s dynamics. In […]


April 26, 2016

5 Tips To Strengthen Your Relationship

Though no one knows exactly why, autism is becoming more and more common. There are several different theories and hypotheses, but no one knows the definite cause of autism. What we do know is that the individuals with autism are living, breathing, dynamic people with their own thoughts, desires, and fears. For too long, many […]


April 21, 2016

4 Things People With Autism Wish You Knew

Stress is considered one of the most alarming modern epidemics in America today. An increasingly large percentage of our population is suffering from chronic stress, and our culture is beginning to suffer for it. In attempt to counteract this growing trend, April has been designated National Stress Awareness Month. During these thirty days, your online […]


April 14, 2016

19 Shocking Statistics About Stress

“Break the silence!” For too long, sexual assault (and other forms of sexual violence) has been swept under the rug. Though it is considered largely taboo to talk about in our culture, as many as 1 in 3 women (and 1 in 7 men) will experience some form of sexual violence in their lifetimes. April […]

Domestic Violence

April 6, 2016

6 Things Everyone Should Know About Sexual Assault

When it comes to taking control of your life, there’s no time like the present. However, March 30th is a day specifically set aside for regaining control of your life and getting rid of the things that create stress. No matter where you are at in life or what struggles you may be facing, it […]

Mental Health, Mindset

March 30, 2016

5 Tips For Gaining Better Control Of Your Life

When you think of someone with anxiety, what comes to mind? If you’re like most people, you picture someone with tight fists, someone who is closed off to the world, someone who is unable to cope with reality because they are crippled with an overwhelming sense of nervousness and anxiety. This vision is sometimes accurate, […]


March 23, 2016

5 Things People With Concealed Anxiety Want You To Know (But Won’t Tell You)

Largely misunderstood for many years, mental illness was predominantly swept under the rug. When it was discussed, it was only whispered about in hushed tones. Today, more people are beginning to realize the importance of confronting mental illness head on so that steps to recovery can be taken, but unfortunately there is still a lot […]


March 17, 2016

What Can Therapy Help Treat?