We’re heading into the Halloween weekend, and as I look at everyone’s costumes on social media I can’t help but think about masks. I’m not talking about actual masks, of course. I’m talking about the masks that people put on in everyday life – the ones that hide their true personalities, identities, and intentions. I’ve […]
This week is National Suicide Prevention Week. This year’s campaign theme is ‘Talk Away the Dark.’ So let’s start a conversation about what we can all do to prevent suicide! Most of us have been touched by suicide in some way. After all, it’s the 11th most common cause of death in the US today, […]
Today is National Overdose Awareness Day. Substance abuse is closely tied to mental health, and by breaking the stigmas around both of these issues, we can begin to raise awareness about overdose deaths. So let’s talk about it. The most recent statistics from the CDC report that in 2021, almost 107,000 people in the US […]
My 9 – year anniversary was yesterday, which is always a tough time for me. But in the midst of the complicated emotions, I’m so grateful for the close friendships that are getting me through it all. I want to discuss the important role that friendships play in your overall mental health. From toxic friendships […]
July is Bereaved Parents Month–and my guess is that you don’t even know. Because there’s little to no support available for grieving parents. There’s little support available for people grieving, period. And the support that is available doesn’t meet people’s needs according to their own reports, and it’s not provided for them. Rather, it’s their […]
June 26th was International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. Since the month of June is also PTSD Awareness Month, let’s talk about PTSD and drug use. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a life-altering diagnosis. You probably think of veterans when you hear the term. But PTSD is more common than you think, […]
We’re closing out Mental Health Awareness Month, but that doesn’t mean you have to stop focusing on your mental health. You can continue to create a lifestyle that prioritizes emotional health and wellness. For many people, the summer months include changes to daily schedules and routines. A lot of people take the summer off […]
It Has been A month! I feel like that applies to so many different times throughout life Things were moving along in the best direction. For the first time since losing Jim truthfully. And out of nowhere, like it does, life happened. And – also like it does, all sorts of things started happening at the same time. Because […]
So many of my clients are going through similar things. At the same time. But they don’t know it because most suffer silently. Feeling alone. We allow the noise in this world to confuse us. To tell us things like boys don’t cry and girls can’t play football. Pardon my language, but it’s bullshit!! Major bullshit. And it […]
My Thoughts About The Chaos in This World. Life was hard enough growing up 40+ years ago without technology and social media and today’s problems. I’ve lived with anxiety my entire life – even when I didn’t know that’s what it was! And that was without the issues we see today. Todays kids amaze me. […]