A lot of people assume that as a Psychologist, everyone in my world supports my passion for changing the way the world views mental health. I wish! There are many who just don’t believe in Psychology – even in my world. But that doesn’t stop me from being me. It doesn’t stop me from having […]
After Jim passed away, I found myself constantly saying “This sucks!” When people asked how I was doing. When people talked about their upcoming events. It was my unwanted mantra – This sucks! I couldn’t envision smiling again let alone being happy. I questioned everything, and at some point I made the decision to embrace […]
“There are 700,000 new widows a year In America – and that’s a pre pandemic number!” The W Word. The club we never ever asked to join. The loss of the future we planned. Starting over. Finding our new (widowed) self. Being a widow is absolutely devastating. That doesn’t even begin to describe it, though. […]
As a psychologist, grief expert and widow, I get a lot of questions about grief and depression – both from individuals dealing with loss, as well as friends and family members with loved ones dealing with a loss. Common questions include: “Is this more of a reaction to grief, or is this crossing over into […]
When do I donate my husband’s clothes? Is it too soon?Am I crazy for not being ready? I get these questions regularly, and they’re questions I asked myself during my journey. And here’s the not so simple but simple answer: it’s different for each one of us. So whenever it’s right for you is when it’s […]
Four years. I don’t even know what it means… It doesn’t mean it hurts any less. Quite the opposite. I miss you even more. It doesn’t mean I understand it any better. I still reach for you before I’m fully awake. Every Single Morning. Which means that I’m sleeping, something I didn’t do much of […]
I’ve dealt with loss in my life – all 4 of my grandparents, my childhood home, friendships. And when I lost Jim the first time – true love. But through all of those losses, the rest of my world remained unchanged. I still had my family, friends, the career I love. My future as I envisioned […]
How to see your anxiety as a gift! It took me a long time to understand my anxiety, and now it’s important to me to help others on this journey. Because anxiety is many things, including misunderstood. And minimized. And a gift! According to the National Alliance Of Mental Illness “Over 40 million adults in the US […]
stress management We live in a world that glamorizes being stressed. It’s like a badge of honor, and it begins early in life. My 11 year old niece said to me recently, “Aunt Sam – can I call you back? I’m really stressed out right now.” 😂 While adorable and amusing, it’s also rather alarming. […]
When you’ve experienced significant loss, it can feel like your world has exploded into a million pieces. It may feel like your world is out of control, and putting the pieces back together is impossible. I am here to tell you from experience that it IS possible. You can take control of your healing journey, […]
Mental Health Awareness Week – October 3-9 2021 World Mental Health Day 2021 – October 10, 2021 Living with a mental illness can feel isolating, overwhelming, and exhausting, especially without helpful resources, a supportive tribe, and the proper guidance showing you how you can thrive with your illness. In celebration of Mental Illness Awareness Week, […]