So many of my clients are going through similar things. At the same time. But they don’t know it because most suffer silently. Feeling alone. We allow the noise in this world to confuse us. To tell us things like boys don’t cry and girls can’t play football. Pardon my language, but it’s bullshit!! Major bullshit. And it […]

Anxiety, Blog, Depression, Emotional Health, Mental Health, Support

March 6, 2023

Avoid the Noise

My Thoughts About The Chaos in This World. Life was hard enough growing up 40+ years ago without technology and social media and today’s problems. I’ve lived with anxiety my entire life – even when I didn’t know that’s what it was! And that was without the issues we see today. Todays kids amaze me. […]

Anxiety, Blog, Depression, Emotional Health, Mental Health, Support, Therapy

February 16, 2023

Today We Are All Spartans

I overheard two teens talking while I was in line picking up a prescription.  I rarely stop and go in. Let’s be real, the drive thru is easier. That day, for some reason, I decided to go in.    I don’t believe in coincidences, by the way. I believe in the universe –   So, […]

Anxiety, Blog, Emotional Health, Mental Health, Mindset, Relationships, Support

January 30, 2023

Overheard in The Aisles

WHAT A WEEK!!  What a football week. One of the things Jim and I instantly connected over was our mutual loveof sports. Especially our mutual love of football. Our wedding tables were named in honor of our hometown teams…. Jim wasn’t allowing a Cowboys anything at our wedding 😂  So football without Jim was difficult… for a long […]

Anxiety, Blog, Depression, Emotional Health, Grieving, Mental Health, Support

January 12, 2023

What a week!!

Today is FIVE years… FIVE years. It doesn’t seem possible. It still feels like I lost you just yesterday – but a lifetime has happened in these five years. It’s longer than our time time together after reuniting…. To be clear: This is not the anniversary I want to be celebrating.  2022 has been an extremely difficult time […]

Anxiety, Blog, Depression, Emotional Health, Grieving, Letters, Mindset, My Journey, Pets, podcast, The Be Ruthless Show

December 27, 2022

Today is FIVE years…

I really cannot believe it’s December. I also really cannot believe it’s approaching 5 years since I lost Jim. Thanksgiving in Michigan without him was hard. It wasn’t obvious to others, but I really did go through so many emotions. And – I shouldn’t be surprised by this – someone told me that they “had enough of my […]

Anxiety, Blog, Emotional Health, Mental Health, My Journey

December 1, 2022

I’m Proud of Me

Anxiety… Unless you live with it, you don’t truly understand. And even if you do live with it, you know that there aren’t adequate words to explain it to others. It’s always there – even when it’s dormant. And when it acts up, when it’s raging – no one else knows. It’s invisible, even though it feels […]

Anxiety, Blog, Emotional Health, Grieving, Mental Health, Moods, My Journey, Support

November 21, 2022

It’s Thanksgiving Week and a LOT is Happening!!

I’m sure I’ve talked about this before… but it’s worth continued conversations! So bare with me. It’s the simple things. The things that happen allllll the time but no one sees. It’s the effen peanuts… Jim didn’t just eat peanuts. He shook them first, the way you shake dice. And it always – I’m talking […]

Anxiety, Blog, Emotional Health, Grieving, Mental Health, Mindset, Support, Uncategorized

November 5, 2022

It’s The Effen Peanuts! The Unexpected But Always Present Grief Triggers

I’m approaching the 5 year anniversary of losing Jim. Almost five years… And it still feels like it just happened yesterday.            But I’ve also done SO much in these almost 5 years. I have four books already out, with 4 more coming!! Leading With Legacy will be available on Amazon […]

Anxiety, Blog, Emotional Health, Grieving, Mental Health, Mindset, Support, Uncategorized

October 24, 2022

Almost Five Years…

iT’S mENTAL illness aWARENESS wEEK My car gives me notifications to schedule tune ups and maintenance just like my doctor sends me reminders about physicals and check ups. Mental health needs to be on that list, too! It’s not only Mental Illness Awareness Week. It’s also National Depression Screening Day. Does anyone even know that […]

Blog, Depression, Emotional Health, Inspiration, Mental Health, Mindset, Support

October 6, 2022

It’s National Depression Screening Day During Mental Illness Awareness Week : Say What?

For some people, talking about feelings comes easily. And for others, it can take a lot of work.   Some do better in one on one situations, while others excel in group settings.   That’s why I’ve always run my practice my way.   Because no two people are alike.   Because insurance companies don’t […]

Blog, Emotional Health, Inspiration, Mental Health, My Journey, Support

September 22, 2022

Your Support – Your way

It’s Jimtember I’m not good at picking favorites – other than my sports teams, obviously. But when it comes to my favorite days of the year, Jim’s birthday is at the very top of my list. If you knew him, you know how much he loved celebrating his birthday. Usually with karaoke. And I adored […]

Blog, Emotional Health, Grieving, Inspiration, Mental Health

September 8, 2022

Celebrating Jimtember